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Jacob Sooter

Pop music
CCM (Contemporary Christian Music)
Praise You Anywhere
Praise You AnywhereLifeway Worship, Ben Fielding, Brandon Lake, Hank Bentley, Jacob Sooter and Daniel Beard (contributor)


Living Years
Living YearsVertical Worship, David Leonard, Jacob Sooter, Judson Harris and Vanessa Dalrymple


Praise God
Praise GodVertical Worship, Austin Davis, Jacob Sooter, Vanessa Dalrymple, Mia Fields, Jordy Shutt and Timothy Dalrymple


What He's Done
What He's DoneLifeway Worship, Kristian Stanfill, Anna Golden, Tasha Cobbs Leonard, Jacob Sooter and Daniel Beard (contributor)


Tu Es Là
Tu Es LàChris Map, Mia Fieldes, Meredith Andrews, Mapangou Rebecca, Philippe L'Allier, Rebecca Map, Célina Mousseliki, Emmanuel Songore, Jacob Sooter and MAPANGOU REBECCA ADAPTATION ET ARRANGEMENT


Power in Your Presence
Power in Your PresenceJudd Harris, Meredith Andrews, Bruno Gruel, Eric Owyoung, Kevin Huguley, Tim Riordan and Jacob Sooter
