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Jacques Prévert

French chanson
Rive gauche
The son of a right-wing insurance clerk, little Jacques enjoyed a relatively happy childhood, despite his father's slow social decline. After dropping out of school at fourteen, he was conscripted in 1920 and went to Syria, where he met another conscript, Marcel Duhamel, the future creator of the "Série noire". Returning to civilian life, he took part with Duhamel and the painter Yves Tanguy in the intense life of Montparnasse in the 20s, and soon met the Surrealists. In 1928, he wrote his first song for a friend, a dance teacher, "Les animaux ont des ennuis". In this nursery rhy...
Les Feuilles Mortes
Les Feuilles MortesJacques Prévert

Une chanson qui nous ressemble - Les chansons de Jacques Prévert, vol. 2


Autumn Leaves
Autumn Leaves 

Les Feuilles Mortes

Jacques Prévert and Édith Piaf (Edith Piaf)

Paris la belle


AlicanteVictor Bessière, Jacques Prévert, Rodolfo Simor, Leonardo Chamoun, Gabriel Ruy, Gene Ruda and Gene Stephan Ruda


Cuor di rubino
Cuor di rubinoMauto and Jacques Prévert


Cœur de rubis
Cœur de rubis 

Radio Edit

Mauto and Jacques Prévert


Cuor di rubino
Cuor di rubino 

Radio Edit

Mauto and Jacques Prévert

