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World music
Latin pop music
Before his career was cut short by tragedy, reggaeton singer Jadiel had established himself as one of the most promising talents in the Latin urban music scene. Born Ramón Alberto González Adams on December 22, 1985, in Ponce, Puerto Rico, he began writing his first songs at the age of 8. In 2006, he made his debut with the song "No Me Voy a Olvidar de Ti," included in the Millennium compilation. This was followed by a series of features on singles by Alexis & Fido, Tito el Bambino, and La Sista, before releasing his studio debut Lo Mejor de Mí in 2008. Driven by the Top 10 singl...
Não Explana
Não ExplanaQuinta Dose, Israel Cruz, Jadiel, Jordan and Mano Dose


5DQuinta Dose, Israel Cruz, Hupalo, Jadiel, Jordan and Mano Dose


All In
All InQuinta Dose, Israel Cruz, Jadiel, Jordan and Mano Dose


Momento Diferente
Momento DiferenteAfa Neto, Sarah Renata, Lucas Paixão, MN MC, Gladir Cabral, Jorge Camargo, Osmar Guerra, Jadiel and Marta de Irmao Lazaro


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