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Jennifer Condos

Rock music
Pop rock
Tell Me Why
Tell Me WhyKarla Bonoff, Peter Frampton, Karen Blake, Jennifer Condos and Kenny Edwards

Karla Bonoff


New World
New WorldKarla Bonoff, Peter Frampton, Jennifer Condos and Debra Dobkin


Kill Switch
Kill SwitchJoe Henry, T-Bone Burnett, Jennifer Condos, Patrick Warren, Jay Bellerose, Adam Levy, Kim Rosen, Levon Henry and Pete Min

The Criminal Under My Own Hat


Hurry Your Heart
Hurry Your HeartJoe Henry, Jennifer Condos, Patrick Warren, Jay Bellerose, Adam Levy, Kim Rosen, Levon Henry and Pete Min


Things Are Looking Up
Things Are Looking UpJoe Henry, Jennifer Condos, Patrick Warren, Jay Bellerose, Adam Levy, Kim Rosen, Levon Henry and Pete Min


Springtime in the Heart
Springtime in the HeartJoe Henry, Jennifer Condos, Patrick Warren, Jay Bellerose, Adam Levy, Kim Rosen, Levon Henry and Pete Min
