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Jérôme Minière

French chanson
Electro pop
Electronic music
Revealed by Les Inrockuptibles with the release of his debut album Monde Pour N'Importe Qui in 1996, Jérôme Minière continued his activity in Quebec, where he emigrated and recorded his next album La Nuit Éclaire Le Jour Qui Suit (1998). A global artist, filmmaker, musician, producer and visual artist, Jérôme Minière invented the character Henri Kopter, who made his appearance in 2001 and returned time and again, as on the live CD/DVD Henri Kopter Au Grand Théâtre in 2005. Jérôme's electronically oriented music also features pop, folk and rock accents on Petit Cosmonaute (2004) a...
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Tout douxPoirier and Jérôme Minière


100 commentaires
100 commentairesVan Lab, renann and Jérôme Minière


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Blundetto remix

Poirier and Jérôme Minière


Le sourire
Le sourireJérôme Minière


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