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Jerry Roe

How Do We Go
How Do We GoAndrew Capra, Matt Wynn, Lizzie Cates, Alex Dobbert, Jerry Roe, Alexandra Krekorian, Jonathan Roye, Devin Malone and Jonathan Galletti

All I've Ever Known


Great Again
Great AgainBen Burgess, Dan Dugmore, Kevin Kadish, Jerry Roe and Tony Lucido


The Woman That I Am
The Woman That I AmAddie Pratt, Charles Kelley, David Kalmusky, Pete Lyman, Jerry Roe, Dave Haywood, Nathan Chapman, Charlie Judge, Derek Wells and Ethan Barrette


Good at Gettin' Gone
Good at Gettin' GoneMadison Parks, Matthew McVaney, Lydia Dall, Tim Galloway, Dan Bacigalupi, Jerry Roe and Tyler Tomlinson


Best Ones Do
Best Ones DoMadison Parks, Justin Ostrander, Travis Toy, Jerry Roe, Matt McVaney and Daniel Bacigalupi


Friend With a Boat
Friend With a BoatJustin McCormick, Tim Lauer, Benji Harris, Craig Young, Sol Philcox-Littlefield, Ilya Toshinskiy, Bill McDermott, Jerry Roe and Kyle Manner
