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Jeru the Damaja

Rap music
Old school hip hop
East Coast rap
Self-proclaimed as hip-hop’s prophet and savior, American rapper Kendrick Jeru Davis (February 14, 1972), aka Jeru the Damaja, became a staple of the hardcore rap scene in the late 90s through a series of classic albums in tandem with DJ Premier. Hailing from East New York, Davis started writing rhymes at the age of ten and performed at block parties in his neighborhood. He first rose to notoriety thanks to his association with Gang Starr, who he met during his high school days. “I’m the Man,” included in the duo’s 1992 sophomore effort, helped put the young rapper on the map as ...
Come Clean
Come CleanJeru the Damaja

The Sun Rises in the East


You Can't Stop the Prophet
You Can't Stop the ProphetJeru the Damaja

The Sun Rises in the East


D. Original
D. OriginalJeru the Damaja

The Sun Rises in the East


Ain't the Devil Happy
Ain't the Devil HappyJeru the Damaja

The Sun Rises in the East


Mental Stamina
Mental StaminaJeru the Damaja

The Sun Rises in the East


Da Bichez
Da BichezJeru the Damaja

The Sun Rises in the East


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