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Jim White

Rock music
Pop rock
Alternative rock
A wandering, soulful, alternative troubadour with a deep love of America's South and all its eccentricities, Jim White's old fashioned story telling comes with gothic overtones and eerie sense of mystery. A former professional surfer and Milan fashion model, White (real name Michael Davis Pratt) spent years roaming around and writing songs before being signed up to David Byrne's label Luaka Bop. His debut album Wrong-Eyed Jesus! (1997) was acclaimed as an alt. country masterpiece for its oddball characters and evocative imagery and came steeped in twanging banjos, haunting pedal ...
WordmuleJim White

Wrong-Eyed Jesus!


Fruit of the Vine
Fruit of the VineJim White

Transnormal Skiperoo


Still Waters
Still WatersJim White

Wrong-Eyed Jesus!


10 Miles to Go on a 9 Mile Road
10 Miles to Go on a 9 Mile RoadJim White

No Such Place


Pieces of Heaven
Pieces of HeavenJim White

Transnormal Skiperoo


The Wound That Never Heals
The Wound That Never HealsJim White

No Such Place


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