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Joanie Leeds

Pop music
Pop rock
Rock music
Grammy Award-winning children’s music artist Joanie Leeds was born Joan Leibowitz was born in Miami, Florida on October 1, 1978. After taking voice lessons, she sang in school choirs and got involved with musical theater while also teaching herself to play the guitar. While studying musical theater and drama at Syracuse University’s College of Visual and Performing Arts, she recorded her debut album, My Job Application Knows More about Me Than You Do (2000). Once she graduated, she moved to New York City, where she formed a band, set up her own label and publishing company, and t...
Couple of Reasons
Couple of ReasonsMatthew Check, Jonathan Check, Alec Gross and Joanie Leeds


On My Mind
On My MindMatthew Check, Joanie Leeds and Gregory Barbone


Josie Revisited
Josie RevisitedMatthew Check and Joanie Leeds


Couple of Reasons
Couple of ReasonsMatthew Check and Joanie Leeds


Broadway Is My Favorite Sport
Broadway Is My Favorite SportJoanie Leeds, Suzanne Jamieson, Frank Galgano, Matt Castle and Suzanne Selmo


Josie Revisited
Josie Revisited 

A revisited version of "Josie" with some lyrical differences

Matthew Check and Joanie Leeds


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