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Joel Bruyere

Christian metal
Metal music
Bad Guy
Bad GuyValerie Ponzio, Mark Hill, Brad Hill, Evan Hutchings, Sol Philcox, Scotty Sanders, Andrew Peebles, Carl Miner, David Dorn, Nathan Dantzler, David Borys, Joel Bruyere and Mike Minjarez


Lifetime Lover
Lifetime LoverKat Velasco, Andy Sheridan, Todd Tidwell, Grant Wilson, Joel Bruyere, Chris Small, Chris Wrate, Ian O'Neill, Justin Eason, Kassidy Evelyn Adams and Matt Utterback


High School Friends
High School FriendsHalle Kearns, Joel Bruyere, Caroline Watkins, Nicole Croteau, Jared Hampton (contributor) and Lauren Hungate (contributor)
