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John Fahey

Folk music
Traditional folk
Folk Jazz
Terming his style as 'American primitive music', John Fahey was a maverick, folk guitar genius, whose solo acoustic, instrumental compositions earned him critical acclaim. Raised in Takoma Park in the suburbs of Maryland, Fahey grew up listening to classical music and hearing local country and bluegrass acts but, after taking up the guitar at the age of 12, he picked up tips from neighbourhood friends and developed an unusual way of playing with his fingers. His obsession with music also included record collecting and, in his teenage years, he and other budding musicologists star...
Boodle Am Shake
Boodle Am ShakeJohn Fahey

Old Fashioned Love


The Little Drummer Boy
The Little Drummer BoyJohn Fahey and Greg Fisher

The John Fahey Christmas Album


St. Louis Blues
St. Louis BluesJohn Fahey

John Fahey Volume 1 : Blind Joe Death

More Nothing
More NothingJohn Fahey and Cul de Sac

The Epiphany of Glen Jones

El Tamborilero
El TamborileroJohn Fahey and Greg Fisher


Santa Claus Is Coming to Town
Santa Claus Is Coming to TownJohn Fahey

Popular Songs of Christmas & New Year's

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