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Jonathan David & Melissa Helser

Pop music
Christian pop music
Folk pop
Jonathan David and Melissa Helser are an American worship husband-and-wife duo hailing from Sophia, North Carolina. Married in 1999, they’ve been actively involved with A Place for the Heart ministries, where they run The 18 Inch Journey discipleship school and lead a collective of artists under the name Cageless Birds. The couple made their recording debut in 2005 with The Awakening, which was followed by the albums The Reward and Walk Through The Walls, both released in 2008. After dropping Long Story Short (2011) and On the Shores (2012), the group was signed to the prestigiou...
I Lose My Ability
I Lose My AbilityJonathan David & Melissa Helser

The Land I'm Livin' In (Deluxe) [Live]

Outrageous Love
Outrageous LoveJonathan David & Melissa Helser

Beautiful Surrender

So Much Grace
So Much GraceJonathan David & Melissa Helser

Beautiful Surrender

StrengthJonathan David & Melissa Helser

Beautiful Surrender

Abba (Arms of a Father)
Abba (Arms of a Father)Jonathan David & Melissa Helser

On the Shores

Catch the Wind
Catch the WindJonathan David & Melissa Helser

Beautiful Surrender

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