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Judith Owen

Rock music
Pop rock
Jazz pop
The daughter of an opera singer, Welsh-born Judith Owen made her debut in 1996 with the album Emotions on a Postcard. A singer-songwriter, she is inspired by traditional pop, which she transforms into jazz pop or pop rock, depending on the circumstances. Founder of the Courgette label with her husband Harry Shearer, Judith Owen has always maintained her independence, whereas her immense talent could have earned her a leading career with a major label. Judith Owen has nonetheless achieved a number of major breakthroughs, such as her jazz-pop cover of Deep Purple's "Smoke on the Wa...
Smoke on the Water
Smoke on the WaterJudith Owen

Lost And Found

I Promise You
I Promise YouJudith Owen

Mopping Up Karma


These Foolish Things
These Foolish ThingsJudith Owen

Lost And Found

Inside You
Inside YouJudith Owen

Mopping Up Karma

(What If God Was) One of Us
(What If God Was) One of UsJudith Owen


Merry Christmas Baby
Merry Christmas BabyJudith Owen


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