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Kevin Shea

I Miss That Rock and Roll
I Miss That Rock and RollBen Crum, Jonny Couch, Kevin Shea, Jonathan Edward Couch, Derek Almstead, John Epperly and Benjamin William Crum


Over and Out
Over and OutBen Crum, Jonny Couch, Kevin Shea, Jonathan Edward Couch, Derek Almstead and Benjamin William Crum


The Killer!
The Killer!Jackson Masters, Colin Arnett, Cristian Malone, Kevin Shea, Shane Patterson and Alex Talarico


Middle of the Night
Middle of the NightJackson Masters, Colin Arnett, Cristian Malone, Kevin Shea, Alex Talarico and Sam Courtney


Back in California
Back in CaliforniaBen Crum, Jonny Couch, Kevin Shea, Jonathan Edward Couch, Derek Almstead and Benjamin William Crum


Believe It
Believe ItBen Crum, Jonny Couch, Kevin Shea, Jonathan Edward Couch, Derek Almstead and Benjamin William Crum
