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Kirsty Hopkins

Mater ora filium
Mater ora filiumJeremy Budd, Julie Cooper and Kirsty Hopkins

Good Night, Beloved


Lord, How Long Wilt Thou Be Angry, Z. 25
Lord, How Long Wilt Thou Be Angry, Z. 25Ben Davies, Daniel Collins, George Pooley, Katy Hill and Kirsty Hopkins

Royal Welcome Songs for King Charles II Volume II


Welcome Song - The Summer’s Absence Unconcerned We Bear, Z. 337: Ah! Had We, Sir, The Power Of Art
Welcome Song - The Summer’s Absence Unconcerned We Bear, Z. 337: Ah! Had We, Sir, The Power Of ArtKaty Hill, Kirsty Hopkins and Stuart Young

Royal Welcome Songs for King Charles II Volume IV


From Silent Shades and the Elysian Groves, Z. 370
From Silent Shades and the Elysian Groves, Z. 370Kirsty Hopkins

Royal Welcome Songs for King Charles II Volume II


Welcome to all the Pleasures (Ode for St Cecilia’s Day), Z. 339: While Joys Celestial
Welcome to all the Pleasures (Ode for St Cecilia’s Day), Z. 339: While Joys CelestialKaty Hill, Kirsty Hopkins and Mark Dobell

Royal Welcome Songs for King Charles II Volume II


O Sing Unto The Lord, Z 44: Sing Unto The Lord and Praise His Name
O Sing Unto The Lord, Z 44: Sing Unto The Lord and Praise His NameBen Davies, George Pooley, Jeremy Budd and Kirsty Hopkins

Royal Welcome Songs for King Charles II
