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Electro pop
Electronic music
House music
German house DJ/producer Klaas boasts a vast discography of single releases dating back to 2006. Born Klass Gerling on January 3rd, 1981 in Cologne, the mononymous musician and Scream & Shout Recordings alumnus made a name for himself with remixes for the likes of Fragma, Dr. Kucho! and Gregor Salto, and soon struck gold in 2008 with his shimmering remix of the Guru Josh Project’s “Infinity”. First released via Ministry of Sound, his electro-leaning reinterpretation of the 1989 acid house track proved a hit, storming the European EDM scene and getting picked up by Ultra Music. It...
Feel Only Love
Feel Only LoveKlaas and Mister Ruiz

Feel Only Love


Ok Without You
Ok Without YouKlaas

Ok Without You


Call Me When You Need Me
Call Me When You Need MeKlaas and Miss Sister

Infinity 2018
Infinity 2018 

Klaas Remix Edit

Sean Finn, Guru Josh and Klaas

Infinity 2018


The Logical Song
The Logical SongMATTN and Klaas

The Logical Song


What Is Love 2K9
What Is Love 2K9 

Klaas Radio Edit

Haddaway and Klaas

Memories of New Orleans


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