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Mac Kregor

Rap music
Gangsta rap
French alternative hip hop
Mac Kregor hails from Haiti, via Aubervilliers (Seine-Saint-Denis). He formed Tandem at the turn of the century with his alter-ego Mac Tyer. A leading figure in alternative rap, he advocates unreserved revolt with particularly violent lyrics. Insurrection in 2006 and Catharsis in 2007 easily justify their titles. Autarcie arrived in 2009 to rekindle the smoldering fire.
RafalerKaaris, Mac Kregor, 4Keus and Q.E Favelas

93 Empire


Tout pour la mif
Tout pour la mifLe Classico Organisé, Elams, Alkpote, Le Rat Luciano, Mac Kregor and Menzo (Le Classico Organise)

Le Classico Organisé


Responsable mais pas coupable
Responsable mais pas coupableNysay and Mac Kregor

Au Pied Du Mur

Niquer le système
Niquer le systèmeSniper, Tandem, Mac Tyer, Mac Kregor, EBEN and Bakar

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