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Mamani Keïta

African music
World music
Electronic music
Having arrived in France in the early 1990s, Malian singer Mamani Keita already has a solid track record back home. A member of the Orchestre National du Mali, then a backing singer for Salif Keita, Mamani Keita is even solidly armed. However, her debut album Electro Bamako (2001), on which she blends African music with electro, was a surprise. In a style close to that of Amadou & Mariam, she returned in 2006 with Yelema, which marked the beginning of her collaboration with Nicolas Repac. The new accomplices return in 2011 with Gagner l'Argent Français and its shock track.
Mama-M-, Toumani Diabaté, Sidiki Diabaté, Mamani, Moriba Diabaté and Mamani Keïta (Sidiki Diabate and Moriba Diabate)


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