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Rock music
Experimental rock
French chanson
Mansfield Tya is a female pop-folk duo from Nantes. Over the course of four albums, including NYX and Corpo Inferno in 2011 and 2015, they have established themselves as the craftsmen of a romantic, unstructured and stripped-down music of the highest effect, relying on short, repetitive motifs executed sometimes on piano, by strings or electronic loops. In 2016, the band completed its discography with La Main Gauche, a set of remixes of Corpo Inferno.
Une danse de mauvais goût (Une danse de mauvais gout)
Une danse de mauvais goût (Une danse de mauvais gout)Mansfield.TYA, Odezenne and M.TYA

Monument Ordinaire


La fin des temps
La fin des tempsMansfield.TYA

Corpo Inferno


Auf Wiedersehen
Auf WiedersehenMansfield.TYA

Monument Ordinaire

Petite Italie
Petite ItalieMansfield.TYA

Monument Ordinaire

Tempête (Tempete)
Tempête (Tempete)Mansfield.TYA

Monument Ordinaire

Les filles mortes
Les filles mortesMansfield.TYA and FanXoa (Bérurier Noir) (FanXoa (Berurier Noir))

Monument Ordinaire

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