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Marcos Witt

Pop music
Latin pop music
Contemporary R&B
Texas-born Marcos Witt is one of the most popular and prolific singers of Christian music in the Spanish language combining a Grammy Award-winning performing career with work as a pastor and teacher. He created the CanZion Producciones label, which has released many of his recordings, and the CanZion Institute, with schools teaching worship and music in several countries. A son of missionaries, he has been a busy writer and evangelical activist. He tours internationally, especially across Latin America, and he has been a frequent visitor to the White House. His 2004 release 'R...
Renuévame (Renew My Life) (Renuevame)
Renuévame (Renew My Life) (Renuevame)Marcos Witt

Proyecto AA


Renuévame (Renuevame)
Renuévame (Renuevame)Marcos Witt

Top 25 En La Tierra Se Canta Edicion 2012


GraciasMarcos Witt

Somos El Pueblo De Dios
Somos El Pueblo De DiosMarcos Witt

Temprano Yo Te Buscare
Temprano Yo Te BuscareMarcos Witt

Tu Mirada
Tu MiradaMarcos Witt


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