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Mark Watrous

US alternative rock
Rock music
Time Around
Time AroundWaking April, Julian Dorio and Mark Watrous

In Your Arms
In Your ArmsKate Tucker, David England, Kenneth Joseph Childers, Kathleen Hope Tucker, Mark Watrous, Freda Love (contributor), Tom Beaujour (contributor) and Kenny Childers (contributor)


What's Left of My Heart
What's Left of My HeartKate Tucker, David England, Kenneth Joseph Childers, Kathleen Hope Tucker, Mark Watrous, Freda Love (contributor), Tom Beaujour (contributor) and Kenny Childers (contributor)


Whiskey Mouth
Whiskey MouthKate Tucker, David England, Kenneth Joseph Childers, Kathleen Hope Tucker, Mark Watrous, Freda Love (contributor), Tom Beaujour (contributor) and Kenny Childers (contributor)


When We Were Young
When We Were YoungKate Tucker, David England, Kenneth Joseph Childers, Kathleen Hope Tucker, Mark Watrous, Freda Love (contributor), Tom Beaujour (contributor) and Kenny Childers (contributor)


4th of July
4th of JulyKate Tucker, David England, Kenneth Joseph Childers, Kathleen Hope Tucker, Mark Watrous, Freda Love (contributor), Tom Beaujour (contributor) and Kenny Childers (contributor)
