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Mauro Castillo

Pop music
World music
One of the best-selling salsa artists in Colombian history, Mauro Castillo was born on June 6, 1978, in Cali, Colombia. He developed an interest in music at a young age, eventually launching a diverse career whose highlights included TV roles, films, bands, and multiple musical projects. He joined the iconic salsa act Grupo Niche in the early 2000s and served as the group's lead singer on two albums — 2002's Control Absoluto and 2004's Imaginación, both of which went gold — before leaving the band and focusing on his work as a songwriting. After composing material for Oscar D'Leó...
We Don't Talk About Bruno
We Don't Talk About BrunoEncanto - Cast, Mauro Castillo, Adassa, Stephanie Beatriz, Carolina Gaitán - La Gaita, Diane Guerrero, Rhenzy Feliz and Cast - The Little Mermaid (Carolina Gaitan - La Gaita)

Encanto [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack]


No Se Habla de Bruno
No Se Habla de BrunoCarolina Gaitán - La Gaita, Mauro Castillo, Daniela Sierra, Elenco de Encanto, Isabel Garcés, Juanse Diez and Olga Lucía Vives (Carolina Gaitan - La Gaita and Isabel Garces)

Encanto [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack]


Viene Y Se Va
Viene Y Se VaMauro Castillo

Bailá Salsa


Me Va Mejor
Me Va MejorMauro Castillo


Te Equivocas
Te EquivocasMauro Castillo

Bailá Salsa

Ni un Paso Atrás
Ni un Paso AtrásEsteban Copete y Su Kinteto Pacífico and Mauro Castillo (Esteban Copete y Su Kinteto Pacifico)



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