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Max Romeo

Reggae music
World music
Maxwell Livingston Smith worked on a sugar plantation for four years from the age of 14 before moving to Kingston to start a career in music. Changing his name to Max Romeo, the young musician earned himself a following as a renowned reggae artist. He started out with The Emotions, whilst still a salesman for the Jamaican Caltone label, before becoming part of The Upsetters, the house band used by producer reggae Lee 'Scratch' Perry on many of his productions. In 1968 Romeo had a breakthrough as a solo artist with the single 'Wet Dream'; the track became a hit in Jamaica and t...
Three Blind Mice
Three Blind MiceMax Romeo

Open the Iron Gate

Chase The Devil
Chase The DevilMax Romeo and The Upsetters


Chase The Devil
Chase The DevilMax Romeo and The Upsetters

Best Of

War Ina Babylon
War Ina BabylonMax Romeo and Max Romeo & the Upsetters

War Ina Babylon


Wet Dream
Wet DreamMax Romeo

Thank You Lord
Thank You LordMax Romeo

Max Romeo's Don't Rock My Boat


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