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Methods of Mayhem

Electronic music
Metal music
Alternative rock
A colorful character, Tommy Lee is far from content with his role as drummer for Mötley Crüe. After the band split up in 1999, the tattooed man decided to launch a rap metal combo for which he became lead singer and guitarist. His extensive address book enabled him to recruit musicians from the metal, rap and electro worlds. The Methods of Mayhem album was released at the end of 1999, and boasted the presence of Kid Rock, Snoop Dogg, Lil' Kim and George Clinton - an infernal line-up. The album went platinum in the U.S. and was a huge success. The sequel doesn't arrive until 2010,...
NarcoticMethods of Mayhem and Scott Kirkland


Who the Hell Cares
Who the Hell CaresMethods of Mayhem and Snoop Dogg


New Skin
New SkinMethods of Mayhem and Kid Rock

Methods of Mayhem


Time Bomb
Time BombMethods of Mayhem

A Public Disservice Announcement


Proposition Fuck You
Proposition Fuck YouMethods of Mayhem and Filthee Immigrants

Methods of Mayhem


Get Naked
Get NakedMethods of Mayhem, George Clinton, Mix Master Mike, Lil' Kim and Fred Durst

Methods of Mayhem


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