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Michael Franti & Spearhead

Rap music
Pop rock
Rock music
Describing himself as a soulrocker, Michael Franti's funky fusion of rock, reggae, soul and hip-hop has always been filled with socially conscious passion and has taken him from singing on the streets of Baghdad to playing at Folsom Prison and performing for the Dalai Lama, since he first emerged in the 1990s. Born in Oakland, California to an African-American father and an Irish-American mother, Franti was put up for adoption at nine months old because his mother believed that her parents wouldn't accept him, and he instead was raised by a Finnish couple. The experience gave ...
Good To Be Alive Today
Good To Be Alive TodayMichael Franti and Michael Franti & Spearhead



HeadphonesMichael Franti, Spearhead and Michael Franti & Spearhead

The Sound of Sunshine


Hey Hey Hey
Hey Hey HeyMichael Franti, Spearhead and Michael Franti & Spearhead

The Sound of Sunshine


Bomb the World
Bomb the WorldMichael Franti and Michael Franti & Spearhead

Everyone Deserves Music


Light Up Ya Lighter
Light Up Ya LighterMichael Franti, Spearhead, Michael Franti & Spearhead and St Alban's Church Secondary School Children Choir

Yell Fire!

All People
All PeopleMichael Franti, Gina Rene and Michael Franti & Spearhead

All People


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