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Michael Martin Murphey

Country rock
Country music
Though best known for his 1975 hit 'Wildfire', Michael Martin Murphey has been a cowboy of country music for decades, spending his life penning odes to the rural, South West heartlands of America and the legends and myths of the Wild West. Born in Dallas, Texas Murphey grew up among ranches and farmland and first discovered a love for music while sitting on his porch and listening to his grandfather play traditional fiddle and banjo tunes. His uncle also gave him a box of records that included tracks by icons such as Woody Guthrie, Jimmie Rodgers and Hank Williams and he later di...
WildfireMichael Martin Murphey

Blue Sky - Night Thunder


What's Forever for
What's Forever forMichael Martin Murphey

Michael Martin Murphey

Carolina in the Pines
Carolina in the PinesMichael Martin Murphey

Blue Sky - Night Thunder


Geronimo's Cadillac
Geronimo's CadillacMichael Martin Murphey

Geronimo's Cadillac


Cowboy Logic
Cowboy LogicMichael Martin Murphey

Cowboy Songs

Cowboy Logic
Cowboy LogicMichael Martin Murphey

Cowboy Songs


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