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Michel Fugain

French chanson
French mainstream pop
Party music
Michel Fugain (born in Grenoble, France, on May 12, 1942) is a distinctive figure in French chanson, symbolizing the idealistic spirit of the 1970s, which brought him his biggest hits with the baba cool, community-minded troupe Le Big Bazar: "Attention, mesdames et messieurs", "Fais comme l'oiseau" and "Une belle histoire" in 1972, "Ainsi va la vie" and "Les Gentils, les méchants " or "C'est la fête" in 1973 are all part of the golden age of French variety. Since his debut in 1967 ("Je n'aurais pas le temps"), he has enriched his songs with beautiful melodies and infused them wit...
Une belle histoire
Une belle histoireMichel Fugain and Le Big Bazar

Michel Fugain et le Big Bazar


Une belle histoire
Une belle histoireMichel Fugain

19 Titres Originaux

ChanteKids United and Michel Fugain

Projet Pluribus


On laisse tous un jour
On laisse tous un jourMichel Fugain

19 Titres Originaux


Les gentils, les méchants (Les gentils, les mechants)
Les gentils, les méchants (Les gentils, les mechants)Michel Fugain

Michel Fugain et le Big Bazar - N°2


Chaque Jour de Plus
Chaque Jour de PlusMichel Fugain

Un Café et l'Addition


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