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Mike Harrison

Rock music
Pop rock
Blue-eyed soul
The Cumbrian-born rock vocalist Mike Harrison rose to prominence as the lead singer of Spooky Tooth, a band which had evolved from Art who were a Carlisle-based group. Art were signed to Chris Blackwell's Island label and after the addition of American keyboard player/vocalist Gary Wright, the band evolved into what became known as Spooky Tooth. Wright went on to have a successful solo career and is best known for his hit single 'Dream Weaver'. Wright became Harrison's vocal foil in Spooky Tooth and the two singers formed a distinctive vocal partnership which defined Spooky To...
I Am the Walrus
I Am the WalrusSpooky Tooth and Mike Harrison

The Last Puff


Son of Your Father
Son of Your Father 

Previously Unreleased

Spooky Tooth and Mike Harrison

The Last Puff


What a Price
What a PriceMike Harrison

Smokestack Lightning


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