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(Morning Musume)

Pop music
Asiatic music
World music
Assembled by manager and producer Tsunku, the Japanese girl group Morning Musume (also referred to as Momusu) rose to fame in the late 90s with their effervescent brand of upbeat J-pop. Born from the TV talent competition Asayan, the group initially consisted of the show’s five runner-ups: Natsumi Abe, Yuko Nakazawa, Kaori Iida, Asuka Fukuda, and Aya Ishiguro. Shortly after its inception, the group was challenged to sell 50,000 copies of their demo single “Ai no Tane,” a test they passed with flying colors in just four days. “Morning Coffee,” their debut single, came out in 1998 ...
I Wish
I Wishモーニング娘。 (Morning Musume)

Morningmusume。All Singles Complete - 10th Anniversary


恋は発想 Do The Hustle! (Koiha Hassou Do The Hustle!)
恋は発想 Do The Hustle! (Koiha Hassou Do The Hustle!)モーニング娘。 (Morning Musume)

Morning Musume. All Single Coupling Collection

好きで×5 (suki de x 5)
好きで×5 (suki de x 5)モーニング娘。 (Morning Musume)

セカンド モーニング


Danceするのだ! (Dance Surunoda!)
Danceするのだ! (Dance Surunoda!)モーニング娘。 (Morning Musume)



ボン キュッ! ボン キュッ! BOMB GIRL (bon kyutsu! bon kyutsu! BOMB GIRL)
ボン キュッ! ボン キュッ! BOMB GIRL (bon kyutsu! bon kyutsu! BOMB GIRL)モーニング娘。 (Morning Musume)

Morning Musume. All Single Coupling Collection


女と男のララバイゲーム (Onnato Otokono Lullaby Game)
女と男のララバイゲーム (Onnato Otokono Lullaby Game)モーニング娘。 (Morning Musume)

ベスト!モーニング娘。20th Anniversary (通常盤)


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