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Natassa Theodoridou

Pop music
Traditional music
World music
The Greek singer Natassa Theodoridou was born in Drama in 1970 and as a teenager studied journalism at a local college. Whilst still studying, she began appearing at small local venues until at the age of 26 she relocated to Athens. This gave the singer the opportunity to appear on stage with popular Greek artists such as Antonis Remos and Labis Livieratos performing on stage at the city's famous Handres music hall. The exposure showcased Theodoridou's talents to the Greek music industry and it wasn't long before offers of recording contracts came flooding in. She released her se...
Gia Kanena
Gia KanenaNatassa Theodoridou

I Zoi Mou Erotas


ApenantiNatassa Theodoridou



Παραδόθηκα σε σενα (Paradhothika se sena)
Παραδόθηκα σε σενα (Paradhothika se sena)Natassa Theodoridou

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