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Nemo Schiffman

Pop music
House music
Electronic music
Actor and singer Nemo Schiffman, born in Paris on April 21, 2000, is the son of actress and director Emmanuelle Bercot and cinematographer Guillaume Schiffman. He began his film career in his mother's films Backstage (2004) and Elle s'en va (2013), for which he was nominated for a César for Best Emerging Actor. He then appeared in Eric Barbier's La Promesse de l'aube and Vincent Lannoo's Trepalium series. Meanwhile, in 2014, he took part in the TV talent show The Voice Kids, where he made it all the way to the final. His musical career launched, he pursued it two years later than...
Je vole
Je voleIlyana and Nemo Schiffman


La France
La FranceNemo Schiffman

En chantant
En chantantAngie Robba, Lou, Nemo Schiffman and Dylan

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