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French chanson
Soul music
Pop rock
A French singer with a soulful gospel voice, Nicoletta's career has been one of success and eclipse. Nicole Grisoni was born on April 11, 1944 in Vongy, Haute-Savoie (now Thonon-les-Bains). The performer of such hits as "La Musique", "Il est mort le soleil" and " Mamy Blue " also appeared in musicals, and continues to set the stage alight. Performing "Ma vie c'est un manège", "Les Volets clos " and "Fio Maravilla" in the Seventies , Nicoletta made a remarkable comeback the following decade with the duet "Idées noires " with Bernard Lavilliers. After collaborations with William Sh...
Idées noires (Idees noires)
Idées noires (Idees noires)Bernard Lavilliers and Nicoletta


Les Volets Clos
Les Volets ClosNicoletta

Nicoletta 73


30 Ans de Passion

La musique
La musiqueNicoletta

Il Est Mort le Soleil


Glory Alleluia
Glory AlleluiaNicoletta

Sur les Bords de la Tendresse

Quand on N'a Que l'Amour
Quand on N'a Que l'AmourNicoletta

Master Série

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