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Nino Segarra

World music
Nino Segarra, born on June 21, 1953, in Maricao, Puerto Rico, is a salsa singer, composer, and musical arranger. His journey began under the mentorship of Luis Millán, who recognized Segarra's talent when he was just 14. Starting with the guitar, he quickly expanded his skills to include the drums. At 16, he played in local bands, eventually making his first recording with the group Mundo de Ponce. Nino Segarra pursued formal music education at the Inter-American University in San Germán, Puerto Rico, where he earned degrees in Applied Music and Music Education. His academic trai...
Entre La Espada Y La Pared
Entre La Espada Y La ParedNino Segarra

Entre la Espada y la Pared


Porque Te Amo
Porque Te AmoNino Segarra

Con la Música por Dentro


Esto es Puerto Rico (feat. Prodigio Claudio)
Esto es Puerto Rico (feat. Prodigio Claudio)Nino Segarra


Cuando Todo Esto Pase (feat. Ingrid Rivera)
Cuando Todo Esto Pase (feat. Ingrid Rivera)Nino Segarra


El Caminante (feat. Moises Cancel)
El Caminante (feat. Moises Cancel)Nino Segarra


Plan Divino (feat. Santa La Salsera de México)
Plan Divino (feat. Santa La Salsera de México)Nino Segarra


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