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Nino Tempo & April Stevens

Pop music
Pop rock
Rock music
Egged on by his grandfather, a seven-year-old Antonino LoTempio – born January 6, 1935, in Niagara Falls, New York - was at a Benny Goodman concert when he went trotting up to the band leader and asked if he could sing a song. So impressed was Goodman by the precocious child, he invited him back to the Buffalo Theatre to perform for the next six nights. His sister Caroline – born April 29, 1929, in Niagara Falls - was something of child protégé as well and, as April Stevens, reached Number 6 in the US charts in 1951 when she sang with Henri Rene's orchestra on the Cole Porter tra...
Deep Purple
Deep PurpleNino Tempo & April Stevens, April Stevens and Nino Tempo

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Deep Purple
Deep PurpleNino Tempo & April Stevens, April Stevens and Nino Tempo

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