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Patricia Teheran

World music
South american music
The Colombian folk singer Patricia Teherán was just 25 when she died but during her short musical career the various albums she recorded left a permanent legacy within the world of traditional Colombian 'vallenato' music. The five albums Teherán recorded between 1990 and 1995 demonstrated her outstanding vocal talent and she is acknowledged to be one of the most significant and influential female vocalists within the genre. In the late 1980s Teherán came to the attention of the singer Graciela Caballos who mentored the young artist and persuaded her to join the all-female vocal e...
Tarde Lo Conocí (Tarde Lo Conoci)
Tarde Lo Conocí (Tarde Lo Conoci)Patricia Teheran

Con Aroma de Mujer


Me Dejaste Sin Nada
Me Dejaste Sin NadaPatricia Teheran

Adios a La Diosa


Todo Daría Por Ti (Todo Daria Por Ti)
Todo Daría Por Ti (Todo Daria Por Ti)Patricia Teheran

Con Aroma de Mujer


Me Dejaste Sin Nada
Me Dejaste Sin NadaPatricia Teheran

Acaso No Me Crees
Acaso No Me CreesPatricia Teheran

Con Aroma de Mujer


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