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Paula Vesala

Rock music
Pop music
Electro pop
Paula Vesala (December 10, 1981) is a Finnish singer, songwriter, and actress. She first came to prominence as the singer in the influential band PMMP, accompanied by fellow vocalist Mira Luoti. The Helsinki-based band released a number of popular albums between 2002 and 2013, including the successful Kovemmat Kadet in 2003 and Leskiaidin Tyttaret in 2006. The band's style ranged from the punk-influenced debut single “Rusketusraidat” to melodic pop. In 2015, she began a solo career under the name of Vesala and released an eponymous album that topped the Finnish charts and achieve...
Hiljaiset vuodet
Hiljaiset vuodetPekka Kuusisto and Paula Vesala


KiestinkiPekka Kuusisto and Paula Vesala


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