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Reverend & the Makers

Rock music
Electro pop
Electronic music
Originally from Sheffield in South Yorkshire, England, Reverend & the Makers formed in 2005 by lead singer Jon McClure, known as "The Reverend." The band was signed to the London label Wall of Sound after a successful concert, which led to a recording session featuring Alex Turner, the leader of Arctic Monkeys, who invited them to embark on their sold-out tour. With a unique mix of indie guitar pop, electronica and a Madchester-inspired funk, the group released their debut single, “Heavyweight Champion of the World”, which reached number one on the UK Independent charts, which wa...
Heavyweight Champion of the World
Heavyweight Champion of the WorldReverend & the Makers

Heavyweight Champion of the World

He Said He Loved Me
He Said He Loved MeReverend & the Makers

The State of Things


Yes You Do
Yes You DoReverend & the Makers



Heavyweight Champion of the World
Heavyweight Champion of the WorldReverend & the Makers

The State of Things


Late Night Phone Call
Late Night Phone Call 


Reverend & the Makers


Out of the Shadows
Out of the ShadowsReverend & the Makers



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