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Richie Cole

Bossa Nova
World music
A standout alto sax player, Richie Cole spent his career putting an accessible, exciting face on bebop when the style seemed to be going out of vogue. Cole was born on February 29, 1948, in New Jersey. His father ran a nightclub in Trenton, so it wasn’t surprising when Cole received a scholarship from jazz magazine DownBeat in 1966 to study at the Berklee School of Music. He lasted there a few years before heading out on the road with the Buddy Rich Big Band, followed by a stint with Lionel Hampton’s ensemble. His solo debut, Trenton Makes, the World Takes, arrived in 1976, an...
Moody's Mood
Moody's MoodRichie Cole

More Of The Most Romantic Jazz Music In The Universe


Come Fly With Me
Come Fly With MeRichie Cole

Pure Imagination


Good Morning Heartache
Good Morning HeartacheBoots Randolph and Richie Cole

Yakety Madness!


Blue Moon
Blue MoonRichie Cole, Patrick Knowles and Alto Madness

A Tribute to Our Buddies


Night Train
Night TrainBoots Randolph and Richie Cole

Yakety Madness!


America the Beautiful
America the BeautifulRichie Cole



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