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Robinson Shalu

Wo Hi Hai Khuda
Wo Hi Hai KhudaRex Media House, Philemon Anand, Robinson Shalu, Sheenu Mariam and Sofia Shalu


Dhanyawad Ke Saath
Dhanyawad Ke SaathP.G Abraham Padinjarethalackal, Robinson Shalu, Sofia Shalu and Michelle Rhea Abraham


Because You're Holy
Because You're HolyDolly George, Robinson Shalu and Bernice Easo


Nee Ennum Parisudhan
Nee Ennum ParisudhanRex Media House, Immanuel Henry, Sammy James, Niran K, Robinson Shalu, Bernice Easo, Emmanuel KB, Josy John, Liben Tom, Anson Elias, Boby Thomas, Jeremy John, Jitu Oommen, Joash Danne, Kaleb Shaji and Cherry George Cherian


Enne Karuthum
Enne KaruthumRex Media House, Immanuel Henry, Robinson Shalu, Sheenu Mariam, Emmanuel KB, Boby Thomas, Bovus Raju, Keziah James, Isaac William and Sruthy Immanuel
