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Russell Tanner

CodependantRussell Tanner and Nick Landis

KingsAnthony Basini, Arielle, Cole Koenning, Colin Houlihan, Devin North, Nick Landis and Russell Tanner


The Fool
The FoolRussell Tanner, Arielle, Cole Koenning, Colin Houlihan, Devin North and Nick Landis

The Day the Truth Caved In
The Day the Truth Caved InRussell Tanner, Cole Koenning, Colin Houlihan, Devin North and Nick Landis

Surrender to the Waves
Surrender to the WavesArielle, Cole Koenning, Colin Houlihan, Devin North, Nick Landis and Russell Tanner

The Verge
The VergeArielle, Cole Koenning, Colin Houlihan, Devin North, Nick Landis and Russell Tanner