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Sat L'Artificier

Rap music
French rap
A founding member of Fonky Family in 1994, Sat l'Artificier, also known as Sat, is one of the legendary godfathers of Marseilles rap. Dans Mon Monde, his first solo album in 2002, was a huge success, reaching number 11 in the album charts. Second Souffle, released in 2008, fell just short of the mark, reaching number 30 in the French album charts. In 2010, Sat l'Artificier took advantage of Diaspora to bring together an impressive cast: Akhenaton, Shurik'n, Faf Larage, Keny Arkana, Soprano and Alonzo were all on board.
Mémoire (Memoire)
Mémoire (Memoire)Shurik'n and Sat L'Artificier

Où Je Vis


Morts sous la même étoile (Morts sous la meme etoile)
Morts sous la même étoile (Morts sous la meme etoile)Seth Gueko, Akhenaton and Sat L'Artificier

Mange Tes Morts


C'est maintenant
C'est maintenantJUL, L'Algérino, SCH, Kofs, Alonzo, Kamikaz, Naps and Sat L'Artificier (L'Algerino)

13 Organisé


Amour et paix
Amour et paixLe Classico Organisé, Lino, Calbo, Tunisiano, Le 3ème Œil, Sat L'Artificier and Vincenzo (Le Classico Organise and Le 3eme Oeil)

Le Classico Organisé


Micro Chargé (Micro Charge)
Micro Chargé (Micro Charge)Sat L'Artificier, Black M, Kofs, Youssoupha, Dry, Le Classico Organisé and Belek (Le Classico Organise)

Le Classico Organisé


Sous le soleil
Sous le soleil13 Organisé, L'Algérino, Le Rat Luciano, Don Choa, Soprano, JUL, Alonzo, Vincenzo, Menzo, Sat L'Artificier, A.S and Fahar (13 Organise and L'Algerino)

13 Organisé 2


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