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Sean Braidwood

Bad News
Bad NewsSimon McCullough, Michael McCullough, Jim Gass, Vinyl Fog, Chris Haggerty, Matthew Arentz, Sean Braidwood, Jason Braidwood, Newcastle Sound, Ghostwriter Society, Island Recording Studios and The Legendary Brewmasters


MiseryChris Haggerty, Michael McCullough, Christopher Brynczka, Simon McCullough, Jim Gass, Vinyl Fog, Jemma Hooper, Matthew Arentz, Sean Braidwood, Jason Braidwood, Newcastle Sound, Ghostwriter Society, Island Recording Studios and The Legendary Brewmasters


EpitaphSimon McCullough, Michael McCullough, Christopher Brynczka, Jim Gass, Vinyl Fog, Matt Grolnic, Jemma Hooper, Chris Haggerty, Matthew Arentz, Sean Braidwood, Jason Braidwood, Newcastle Sound, Ghostwriter Society, Island Recording Studios and The Legendary Brewmasters


Any Color You Like
Any Color You LikeSimon McCullough, Michael McCullough, Jim Gass, Vinyl Fog, Matt Grolnic, Jemma Hooper, Chris Haggerty, Matthew Arentz, Sean Braidwood, Jason Braidwood, Newcastle Sound, Ghostwriter Society, Island Recording Studios and The Legendary Brewmasters
