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Sevak Khanagyan

Pop music
Middle of the Road (MOR)
Russian pop
A music career of an Armenian-born pop singer Sevak Khanagyan (b. 1987) began in 2015 when he took part at his first TV show Главная сцена (Main Stage). But it is the Ukrainian show X-Factor that happened to be Khanagyan’s golden ticket to a stardom. During the show Khanagyan presented his own song «Не молчи» (‘Do Not Keep Silence’) which had a warm accept from the public. The singer became a winner of the show’s 7th season. In 2017, Khanagyan released songs ‘When We Are Together’ and ‘My Oxygen’ and won Song of the Year award in Armenia for his track ‘Hayrenik’ (‘Motherland’) pe...
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Я чувствую кожейSevak Khanagyan and Людмила Соколова



Eurovisian 2018 - Armenia

Sevak Khanagyan


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