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Sidney Bechet

New Orleans jazz
One of the early pioneers of jazz, saxophonist, clarinetist and composer Sidney Bechet led a colourful life which saw him twice deported back to his native America following crimes committed in France and the UK. He'd been imprisoned in the UK in 1922 following an assault on a woman and six years later he was allegedly involved in a duel in Paris following an incident where a music producer accused him of playing a wrong chord. In the ensuing shoot-out Bechet shot and injured an innocent female passer-by resulting in an 11-month jail sentence. This was all a far cry from Bec...
2:19 Blues
2:19 BluesSidney Bechet and Louis Armstrong

The Ultimate Collection


Hold Tight (Want Some Seafood Mama)
Hold Tight (Want Some Seafood Mama)Sidney Bechet

Earl Fatha Hines Selected Favorites


Old Fashioned Love
Old Fashioned LoveSidney Bechet and Mezz Mezzrow

From New Orleans To Paris (& Vice Versa)


Stompy Jones
Stompy JonesSidney Bechet

Mark Twain and Other Folk Favorites


Basin Street Blues
Basin Street BluesSidney Bechet

New Orleans Nights

Dear Old Southland
Dear Old SouthlandPeter Bocage and Sidney Bechet

Wild Cat Blues


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