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SMC Lähiörotat

Rap music
Alternative hip hop
Hardcore hip hop
The Finnish hip-hop collective SMC Lähiörotat was formed in Helsinki in 2009 by rappers Avionin Prinssi, Erä-Koira, Thono Slowknow, and Juno. They rose to fame with the tracks "Northside Nagetti" and "Lähiörotat Skujaa," both included in their 2011 studio debut Raffii Suomi-flättii. The album earned the group three nominations for the Emma Awards and established them as one of Finland's finest and most popular hip-hop acts. Preceded by the singles "Vastavirta," "Lotioonit Pannassa," and "Bitumin Katku," a second LP titled Ja Niin Se Menee appeared in 2015. Nothing was heard from ...
Niin Siin Vaan Kävi (Niin Siin Vaan Kavi)
Niin Siin Vaan Kävi (Niin Siin Vaan Kavi)JVG and SMC Lähiörotat

Niin Siin Vaan Kävi

Lähiörotat skujaa
Lähiörotat skujaaSMC Lähiörotat

Raffii Suomi-Flättii

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