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Social Distortion

Rock music
Punk rock
Country rock
Longstanding heroes of the US punk scene, Social Distortion have survived heroin addiction, prison sentences and the death of a key member, yet still thrash out their woes like angry teenagers. Initially formed in 1978 as a response to the British punk bands, they were championed by KROQ radio DJ Rodney Bingenheimer and debut album Mommy's Little Monster (1983) and single Another State Of Mind became a big part of the underground rock explosion of the early 1980s. They were forced into hiatus in 1985 as front man Mike Ness's drug problems grew but reformed a year later for second...
Ball and Chain
Ball and ChainSocial Distortion

Social Distortion


Story of My Life
Story of My LifeSocial Distortion

Social Distortion


Ring of Fire
Ring of FireSocial Distortion

Social Distortion


Reach For the Sky
Reach For the SkySocial Distortion

Sex, Love And Rock 'n' Roll


Bad Luck
Bad LuckSocial Distortion

Somewhere Between Heaven And Hell


Mommy's Little Monster
Mommy's Little MonsterSocial Distortion

Mommy's Little Monster


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