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Sofia Shalu

Wo Hi Hai Khuda
Wo Hi Hai KhudaRex Media House, Philemon Anand, Robinson Shalu, Sheenu Mariam and Sofia Shalu


Dhanyawad Ke Saath
Dhanyawad Ke SaathP.G Abraham Padinjarethalackal, Robinson Shalu, Sofia Shalu and Michelle Rhea Abraham


Angen Aashaye
Angen AashayeRex Media House, Immanuel Henry, Niran K, Sheenu Mariam, Sofia Shalu, Bernice Easo, Charles Philip, Emmanuel KB, Boby Thomas, Joash Danne, Bovus Raju, Sunu Abraham, Prince Philip, Mahima Thomas, Joemon Poykayil and Philix Joel Philip
