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Sonny Terry

Harmonica blues
Better known as "Blind" simply because he's blind, Sonny Terry, an atypical character, appears before the public armed with his harmonica, playing percussion with a set of knucklebones, all the while executing dance steps. Before making his living from music, he flirted with quackery by selling miracle potions. A street musician, his first public performances took place outside factories. He was hired by John Hammond, who could not resist the original style of this unusual musician and opened the doors of Carnegie Hall to him. He stayed in New York, where he formed one of the bes...
Key To the Highway
Key To the HighwaySonny Terry, Brownie McGhee and Chris Barber's Jazz Band

Hometown Blues


Step It Up and Go
Step It Up and GoBob Dylan, Brownie McGhee, Sonny Terry and Brownie Cotten

Not Guilty Blues


Last Night Blues
Last Night BluesLightnin' Hopkins and Sonny Terry

Last Night Blues


Coffee House Blues
Coffee House BluesLightnin' Hopkins, Brownie McGhee and Sonny Terry

Lightnin' Strikes

GloryWoody Guthrie, Cisco Houston, Sonny Terry, Alex Stewart, Cisco, Woody, Sonny and Alex



Cornbread, Peas and Black Molasses
Cornbread, Peas and Black MolassesSonny Terry and Sonny Terry & Brownie McGhee

Sonny Terry Vol. 2 (1944-1949)


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