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Rap music
Alternative hip hop
Jazz rap
Ryan Michael Peters, aka Spose, is a musical comedian from the United States who adopted his stage name in 2007 when he released his first album 'Preposterously Dank' on his own label of the same name. He remains staunchly independent although he does collaborate with other artists, most notably with rapper Cam Groves. Despite no major label support, his 2010 single 'I'm Awesome' received local airplay in Maine before being picked up nationally and winning him a recording contract with the Universal Music group via Republic Records. The same year Spose released album 'We Smoke...
I'm Awesome
I'm AwesomeSpose

I'm Awesome


Good Luck With Your Life
Good Luck With Your LifeSpose

Knocking On Wood
Knocking On WoodSpose

The Audacity!

We All Got Lost
We All Got LostSpose

NobodySpose and Watsky

Loon Song
Loon SongSpose

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