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스탠딩 에그(Standing Egg)

(Standing Egg)

Pop music
Contemporary R&B
Soul music
Standing Egg is the name of a South Korean pop music production trio who go by the names Egg 1, Egg 2 and Egg 3. They use other performers for their live shows including singers Windy and Lee Ye-seul and singer-guitarist Clover with Lee Ye-ni on keyboards, Lee Han-kyul on double bass and bass guitar and Song ha-na on drums. They have released several albums since their 2010 debut 'With': EPs including 'Lucky' (2011); 'Young' (2015) and 'Voice' (2016); and singles such as 'Farewell For You; Not Yet For Me' (2013) featuring Park Shin-hye and Hwasa; 'Lean on Me' (2014) featurin...
오래된 노래 (O Rai Doin No Rai)
오래된 노래 (O Rai Doin No Rai)스탠딩 에그(Standing Egg) (Standing Egg)



Little Star
Little Star스탠딩 에그(Standing Egg) (Standing Egg)


청소 Cleaning (Cleaning)
청소 Cleaning (Cleaning)스탠딩 에그(Standing Egg) (Standing Egg)

Cleaning ('My love' Original Soundtrack)


그대가 소중해 You're Precious (You're Precious)
그대가 소중해 You're Precious (You're Precious)스탠딩 에그(Standing Egg) (Standing Egg)


그대 돌아오면 If You Comeback (If You Comeback)
그대 돌아오면 If You Comeback (If You Comeback)스탠딩 에그(Standing Egg) (Standing Egg)

If You Comeback


데리러 갈게 I'll Pick You Up (I'll Pick You Up)
데리러 갈게 I'll Pick You Up (I'll Pick You Up)스탠딩 에그(Standing Egg) (Standing Egg)

Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo, Pt. 5


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